Parecer da Comissão Científica

Projeto do CEBIMar

Dados do solicitante

Giaele Benetti

Natureza do projeto

Projeto de formação discente
Hudson Tercio Pinheiro
Por favor, selecione

Pesquisadores ou docentes associados



Descrição do projeto

Use of litter and plastic debris along a geographic gradient of human stressors as a proxy for reef fish communities’ health status in São Sebastião in Brazil.
Since their commercial development in the mid of the 20th century, a crescent amount of plastic and litter has been produced and discarded into the ocean. Marine debris pollution became one of the main threats to the marine environment, causing widespread ecological perturbations. Nowadays, the most common trash and plastic debris found in the ocean come from plastic disposable items and fishing gear, but in general marine litter is very diverse and comprises items of various shapes, sizes and materials .
The welfare of humankind is closely related to the ocean health; thus, litter is becoming a serious problem, since it is endangering all the realms of the marine environment. Marine organisms interact with litter in various ways, often with fatal consequences: litter can be confused with food and can block the digestion tract of marine turtles, fish and sea-birds, or can contain chemicals or other toxins, accumulating in the food web. In addition, fishing nets and other ghost lines can cause injury, starvation or strangulation to several species.
Since most of the trash which is discharged into the ocean is produced on land, the idea of this study is to investigate if the types and the quantity of trash vary with the distance from human centers. Therefore, this project aims to investigate if the gradient of human stressors is accompanied by an accumulation of trash, and its relation to the health of fish communities. The main hypothesis is that the garbage can be used as a proxy for fish communities’ health status. Moreover, this project will explore if the types of trash founded indicate any direct impact on fish communities, as fishing gears for instance. Lastly, once plastic pollution has been associated with decreased coral health, a final goal of this study will look for correlations between coral diseases and quantity and/or type of litter.
reef fish, debris, trash, fish health
The study area comprises the coast of São Sebastião, in the state of São Paulo in Brazil, and nearby coastal islands. Sampling will be performed in various sites both on the cost of São Sebastião and around the coastal islands of Ilhabela and Alcatrazes archipelago.
To collect the data, the method of underwater visual censuses (UVCs) with 20 m long and 2 m wide transects will be used. These transects will be performed along the beach and on the reef of each selected site. Both litter debris and fish will be counted, and fish will be identified at species level. To collect these data, dives to a depth of about 12 meters are planned.
Then the data will be analyzed using the software R.
january --> arrival and settlement in the work environment
febrary and march --> data collection
april--> data analysis
may --> thesis writing


i do not need a lab
i need tanks to dive and diving equipment
i will not collect any organism
nao se aplica
nao se aplica
  • Utilização de embarcação do CEBIMar
  • Janeiro
  • Fevereiro
  • Março
  • Abril
  • Maio
  • Junho