Parecer da Comissão Científica

Projeto do CEBIMar

Dados do solicitante

Catarina Maria Batista Vinagre

Natureza do projeto

Projeto de docente ou pesquisador
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Projeto autônomo

Pesquisadores ou docentes associados

Inês Agra Vasconcelos Leal
Vanessa Sofia Alegria Mendonça
Caroline Madeira


Auxílio regular a projeto de pesquisa. Número de referência: PTDC/MAR-EST/2141/2012. Montante: €78.768,00
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Portugal

Descrição do projeto

WarmingWebs - Role of biodiversity, species thermal tolerance and food web structure in the response to climate change: temperate versus tropical ecosystems
The present proposal aims to investigate the effects of climate warming in temperate and tropical rocky intertidal ecosystems, taking into account the role of biodiversity, thermal tolerance and acclimation capacity. Consequences of climate warming will be assessed from the level of the organism to the food web network. Sampling will take place in tidal pools of a temperate coastal area, the Portuguese coast, and a tropical coastal area, the Brazilian coast. Species composition, abundance, biomass and biodiversity will be registered and the trophic relations among the existing biota will be assembled in a relational database built on an online platform, based on an extensive review of literature and stomach contents analysis. Allometric-trophic-network models will be assembled for both ecosystems taking into account bioenergetics and feeding interactions and will be used to identify the highly connected species. Highly connected species are often key species in ecosystems and their removal has potential destructive outcomes like secondary extinctions and fragmentation of the food web into isolated species clusters. Various measures of network structure will be assessed in order to understand the functioning of these food webs. The highly connected species identified in the food web analyses will undergo experimental testing, for the determination of thermal thresholds and acclimation capacity. The critical thermal maximum (CTM) of these species will be determined by exposing them to gradual elevations in temperature, 1.C per hour. An experiment of CTM with prior acclimation will also be carried out. Species will be acclimated for one month to the maximum SST of their respective area and then subjected to the CTM experiment. This will allow the comparison of acclimation capacity of temperate versus tropical organisms. The species vulnerability ranking towards high temperatures will be used in species removal simulations on the allometric-trophicnetwork models of
Complex food webs; Thermal stress; Fragility
The overall objective of this 2-year research project is to investigate the differential response to climate change of temperate and tropical ecosystems. The present proposal is structured in six tasks: 1) evaluation of biodiversity in tidal pools of two comparable coastal sites in temperate and tropical ecosystems, 2) evaluation of trophic relations among the biota of the tidal pools, 3) food webnetwork structure determination and identification of highly connected species, 4) determination of a vulnerability ranking of thermal tolerance of the highly connected species, 5) comparison of the robustness of the temperate versus the tropical ecological network to the removal of species threatened by climate change, and 6) sustainable use and management in future scenarios.
The impacts of climate warming are often predicted to be smaller in the tropics than in temperate regions (Root et al., 2003), because the rate of climate warming in the tropics is lower than at higher latitudes (IPCC, 2007). Yet, these impacts do not depend solely on the magnitude of temperature shifts they also depend on the organisms thermal specialization (Ghalambor et al., 2006) and acclimation capacity (Stillman, 2003). Species that evolved in aseasonal environments are less likely to have broad thermal intervals and to acclimate to different temperatures. Thus, tropical species may be more vulnerable to alterations in temperature. Because species interact, changes to the structure of commun
As atividades que serão desenvolvidas com o apoio do CEBIMar serão:
01/10/2013 - 08/12/2013 e 01/11/2014 - 30/11/2014
1) Trabalho de campo de registo de espécies nos costões rochosos.
2) Experiências de aclimação térmica em aquários e experiências a diferentes temperaturas com recurso a banho termostatizado.


Espaço de bancada para 2 pessoas.
Dois sistemas de aquários em circuito fechado, com circulação independente.
Bathyogobius soporator; Scartella cristata; Leander sp.; Pachygrapsus transversus
Costões rochosos ao longo do município de São Sebastião, ainda a definir.
Não haverá demanda para outros serviços de laboratório
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Por favor, selecione