Projeto de pesquisa
Parecer da Comissão Científica
Projeto Externo - de Outra Unidade da USP
Dados do solicitante
Oscar Perez
Natureza do projeto
Projeto de formação discente
Federico David Brown Almeida
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Pesquisadores ou docentes associados
Desarrollo Docente
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE
Descrição do projeto
Ascidian maternal response in caloric deprivation: fertilization block, extraembryonic membranes interaction, and infertility modulation in solitary ascidians.
The increment of intracellular Calcium ([Ca2+]) in the egg cytoplasm induce egg activation and blocks polyspermy (Jaffe, L.A., 2018). This increment is universal for all animals and produce conserved processes as completion of meiosis II, translation of maternal mRNAs and release of cortical granules (Burry et al., 2016). Cortical granules are excretory calcium dependent organelles, which modify the extracellular matrix of the oocyte through exocytosis. This process is called Cortical Reaction. The mechanical result of cortical reaction is to harden the outer accessory layers of the egg (Harper, J.C., 2011). Contents of cortical granules causes this hardening due to proteolytic action of many enzymes, notably by glycosidases (Wassarman, P.M., 2001). More specifically, the calcium sensor Synaptotagmin regulates cortical exocytosis helped by the activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CAMKII) and myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) (Burry et al., 2016). Nonetheless is reported that these processes are universal for all animals, there is a notable exception within the ascidian egg. Ascidians prevent polyspermy by the increment of intracellular calcium and release of glycosidases, but do not have cortical granules (Gallo, A., 2016). It is not clear how the glucosidase is released but it is proposed to be mediated by subcortical acellular envelopes of the egg (Lambert, C., 1989). Strong evidence has demonstrated that different isoforms of ascidian glucosidase are present not only in the egg but also in follicular accessory cells of the egg (Koyanagi & Honegger, 2003). None of these investigations has a description, nor molecular analysis of the process of the release of glucosidase in the ascidian egg or follicular accessory cells. Preliminary results of the EVODEVO lab at USP suggest that caloric deprivation would lead to an induced infertility. These results suggest that a possible interaction between the egg and the follic
Calcium ([Ca2+]); egg activation; polyspermy; cortical granules; glycosidases.
I will perfom a simple experiment of caloric deprivation and evaluate the resulting eggs morphologically and molecularly. Morphological features of the egg as test cells, viteline coat, and follicular cells will be evaluated in low caloric treatment in comparison with positive controls. Viability of the gametes will be tested with in vitro fertilization and embryological comparison with normal developmental tables for P. nigra.
Cronograma experimentos de restrição calórica:
Ano 2019: Visita Janeiro e fevereiro, Visita jagosto
Ano 2020: Visita Janeiro, Visita agosto
Ano 2019: Visita Janeiro e fevereiro, Visita jagosto
Ano 2020: Visita Janeiro, Visita agosto
Em cada viagem precissarei 6m2 de bancada de laboratório para 8 com tanques 15-20L para colocar ascidias com agua marinha circulante (no possível, uma Sala no Laboratório Erasmo Garcia Mendes).
Microscópio e Lupa
Ascidia Phallusia nigra, colonias Symplegma rubra, colonias Botryllus tabori o B. schlosseri.
Yacht Club IlhaBela, SP e CEBIMAR
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