Parecer da Comissão Científica

Projeto do CEBIMar

Dados do solicitante

Hudson Tercio Pinheiro

Natureza do projeto

Projeto de docente ou pesquisador
Pesquisador colaborador

Pesquisadores ou docentes associados

Ronaldo Bastos Francini Filho



Descrição do projeto

Biodiversity, biogeography, and conservation of mesophotic coral ecosystems in the Atlantic Ocean
The recent popularization of technical diving by scientists has yielded a large increase in the exploration of mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs), deep reefs found between 30 and 150 m depth. Biodiversity assessments have disclosed rich MCE assemblages and many unknown species across the globe, with a current discovery rate of two new fish species per hour of technical diving exploration. Most biodiversity surveys suggest that species richness decrease along the depth gradient, and recent studies reported substantial changes in coral and reef fish assemblages with depth, a trend mainly driven by species turnover. However, the interactive effects of biogeography and environmental filtering in shaping vertical patterns of reef fish diversity, community and functional structure in MCEs have yet to be studied in detail. The few ecological studies available have revealed contradictory community patterns. Studies based on depth range datasets present high overlap of species between shallow and deep reefs, suggesting that MCEs could provide refuge to species of broad depth range that are threatened in shallow reefs; a concept known as Deep Reef Refuge Hypothesis (DRRH). On the other hand, studies based on empirical data show low levels of similarity between depth zones, revealing unique assemblages on MCEs, with many endemic and undescribed species. This contradiction might be a result of the DRRH being species or context dependent, and further environmental and biogeographic analyses exploring components of abundance-based dissimilarity are lacking. Oceanic islands and archipelagos are excellent natural laboratories to conduct these ecological and evolutionary studies, offering exceptional conditions to study MCEs. Environmental factors such as sea temperature, habitat complexity, coral cover and wave exposure are known to drive the ecology of shallow reef fishes, but need to be better explored in MCEs. Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations might have had stronger effects reducing and expanding insular shallow habitats than deep ones (Habitat Persistence Hypothesis), what is predicted to influence distinct patterns in biodiversity, endemism and the evolutionary history of MCE fishes. This proposal aims to create a research line for mesophotic reef exploration at the Center for Marine Biology of the University of São Paulo (CEBIMar / USP), and advance the understanding of evolutionary and ecological processes underlying biodiversity patterns at MCEs in the Atlantic Ocean. Among the innovative questions and hypothesis elaborated, this proposal aims, for the first time, to: evaluate how the environmental and biogeographical factors are driving taxonomic (alpha and beta) and functional diversity patterns in shallow, upper and lower MCEs of the Atlantic Ocean; assess if the validity of “Deep Reef Refuge Hypothesis” depends on ecological, historical and geographical contexts by analyzing fish abundance along depth gradients in multiple locations; determine the relationships between species richness and endemism with island biogeography predictors (area, isolation, and Pleistocene sea-level fluctuations) on both shallow and deep communities; and test the Habitat Persistence Hypothesis by exploring the evolutionary history of shallow and deep species using advanced genomic techniques. Other goals of this project include: record, sample, and describe the fish biodiversity, including new species, new records and exotic species, from poorly explored MCEs of the Atlantic Ocean; capacitate researchers and students to perform technical diving and modern genomic analyses; and consolidate this research line at the CEBIMar, thus contributing to scientific and conservation initiatives as well as awareness of the importance of MCEs.
diversidade; ecologia; evolução; ilhas; recifes mesofóticos; taxonomia.
The main goal of this proposal is to advance the knowledge about Atlantic Ocean MCEs, creating a research line about mesophotic reef exploration at the CEBIMar-USP. Scientific expeditions to understudied biogeographical provinces (Africa and Brazil) will be organized and scientific outcomes are expected.
This proposal is organized to be developed in five years of activities (Table 1), with one international expedition in the second year, and intensive field trips to the coastal islands of the state of São Paulo from the second to the fifth year. An expedition led by the proponent Hudson T. Pinheiro (funded by Fundação Grupo ‘O Boticário’) to study MCEs of Fernando de Noronha Archipelago was performed in October 2019, and biodiversity and ecological data are available for analyses in the first year of this proposal. Still during the first year, most of the equipment will be acquired, diving facilities improved and lab work will start (probably during the second semester). Technical diving training, using rebreathers, will start at the end of the first year and first expeditions to shallow reefs along the coast of the state of São Paulo will follow during the second year.
The international expedition, in the second year, will be to Cape Verde Archipelago, Africa, and will aim the collection of data on biodiversity, community structure, as well as genetic sampling. Analyses of ecological data and the preparation of manuscripts will start shortly after the expedition. Analyses of ecological and biogeographic data, and the preparation of manuscripts, will continue along the year. Field trips to explore deep reefs at coastal islands of the state of São Paulo are scheduled to the third, fourth and fifth years, during which trained researchers from the CEBIMar will have the opportunity to perform scientific deep dives to sample upper MCEs. Data about biodiversity and community structure will be collected and the database completed. The last manuscripts will be written by the end of the fifth year.


Espaço de escritório para o desenvolvimento dos artigos científicos, espaço para armazenamento de material de mergulho técnico, e uso de laboratório de processamento de amostras para manuseio de formalina e álcool, bem como uso de lupas, microscópios e paquímetros.
lupas, microscópios, paquímetros, bombonas, potes, formol e alcohol
peixes, amostragem não destrutiva
recifes do litoral de São Paulo
mar calmo
  • Montagem de alguma estrutura (estantes, aquários etc)
  • Auxílio técnico para manutenção de estruturas ou material biológico na ausência dos participantes da atividade
  • Utilização de embarcação do CEBIMar
  • Janeiro
  • Fevereiro
  • Março
  • Abril
  • Maio
  • Junho
  • Julho
  • Agosto
  • Setembro
  • Outubro
  • Novembro
  • Dezembro