Parecer da Comissão Científica

Projeto do CEBIMar

Dados do solicitante

Antonia Cecília Zacagnini Amaral

Natureza do projeto

Projeto de docente ou pesquisador
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Pesquisadores ou docentes associados

Adilson Fransozo
Alvaro Esteves Migotto
Carlos Eduardo Falavigna da Rocha
Fosca Pedini Pereira Leite
Luiz Francisco Lembo Duarte
Liliana Rubia de Ascenção Medeiros
Maria Lucia Negreiros Fransozo
Valéria Flora Hadel
Cláudio Gonçalves Tiago
Michela Borges
Eloísa Helena Morgado do Amaral


;Viagem de estudo
;Viagem de estudo
;Auxílio viagem
Projeto Temático

Descrição do projeto

Biodiversidade Bêntica Marinha no Estado de São Paulo
In accordance with the objectives of the Special Research Program Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biodiversity of the State of São Paulo - Biota/SP , this research proposal aims basically na integrated survey of the biota of one of the less studied regions of the São Paulo State: the northern coast. This is a complex environment that is still well preserved, in great extent due to the presence of two protected areas. Although the marine research in the State of São Paulo is one of the most developed in the country, most of its littoral environments are still poorly known, and there is not a comprehensive survey of its biota. Even considering the need for a qualitative evaluation of the study area, this project is not limited to the systematic and distribution aspects, but also to provide a better understanding of the relationships among the organisms and the environment. Special effort will be directed to collecting standardization and to improvement of reference collections. Na aim of the project will be the production of field guides and databases with accessible information regarding the biological taxa and its main results.
Bentos - Biodiversidade


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