Parecer da Comissão Científica

Projeto do CEBIMar

Dados do solicitante

Philippe St-Onge

Natureza do projeto

Projeto de docente ou pesquisador
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Projeto de Pós-Doutorado

Pesquisadores ou docentes associados

Antonio Carlos Marques



Descrição do projeto

Population connectivity and recruitment genetics in two tropical marine invertebrates with contrasting dispersal potential
The common tropical barnacle Chthamalus bisinuatus and the mottled shore crab Pachygrapsus transversus are two broadcast-spawning marine crustaceans naturally distributed along most of the South American Atlantic coast. Although both species share similar distribution patterns, they differ greatly in the amount of time spent developing in the water column as planktonic larvae. Such contrasted life-histories are likely to play an important role in the extent at which larvae are exchanged between populations. Since gene flow between populations occurs mainly through larval dispersal, studies evaluating the genetic structure and connectivity of populations at different temporal and spatial scales would provide useful information as to whether larval duration is a good proxy to predict high dispersal. This project will be separated into three major components: (1) isolation, primer design and characterization of highly polymorphic microsatellite markers for the common tropical barnacle C. bisinuatus and the shore crab P. transversus; (2) genetic population structure of C. bisinuatus and P. transversus across their natural distribution; and (3) temporal monitoring of C. bisinuatus larval cohorts from birth to settlement using genetic parental analyses to assess the overall importance of larval retention in recruitment processes. This study will be important for the ecology of broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates as it will increase our understanding of larval dispersal processes and their effects on the genetic population structure at different spatial and temporal scales.
C. bisinuatus; P. transversus; recruitment; population genetics/connectivity; gene flow; microsatellite markers; relatedness; reproductive ecology
Objective #1: Isolate and characterize a series of highly polymorphic microsatellite loci for both the common tropical acorn barnacle Chthamalus bisinuatus and the mottled shore crab Pachygrapsus transversus. For this current post-doctoral project, we plan to hire the services of ESALQ/USP to carry out the entire first step of the microsatellite development procedure for both C. bisinuatus and P. transversus using an Illumina platform. They will also provide the bioinformatics expertise to analyze, clean and scan the data to yield all potential microsatellite fragments. Once fragments are sequenced and primers are designed, primers will be thoroughly tested in CEBIMar/USP and the best 10 microsatellite markers per species will be identified. Objective #2: Use the series of microsatellite markers to assess the level of population genetic structure in both above-mentioned marine crustaceans at the scale of the South American Atlantic coast. This will be assessed by sampling approximately 15 populations of each species along the South American Atlantic coast with 30 individuals per sample. All 900 individuals will be brought to the lab and genotyped using a fluorescent labelling method and capillary electrophoresis on a ABI3730 gentic analyzer (in IB/USP). Objective #3: Determine the extent of larval retention in a single population of Chthamalus bisinuatus. This will be carried out using a temporal genetic monitoring of larval cohorts during an entire reproductive cycle.
The post-doctoral research proposed herein is projected to be fully carried out within a two-year period starting officially in August 2013. This two-year period will include field work preparation and sampling, genotypic data collection, statistical analyses, international scientific meetings and article submission for all three main objectives described above. Here is a brief summary of the projected schedule:
May 2014 : Next-generation sequencing and microsatellite marker primer development (Ecogenics, Switzerland).
May 2014 - September 2014: Testing of microsatellite primers, polymorphism, null alleles and design of multiplexes.
September 2014 - December 2014: Field work preparation and sampling for the temporal monitoring of larval cohorts.
January 2015: Field work and sampling for the large-scale population structure study.
January 2015 - May 2015: DNA extraction and genotypic data collection
June 2015 - April 2016: Statistical analyses, writing and submission of scientific articles


Molecular Biology Laboratory
Wet and Sorting Laboratory
Microscopy Laboratory
PCR, Nano-drop, micropipets, etc.
Chthamalus bisinuatus
Pachygrapsus transversus
All along the South American Atlantic Coast.
I will need to send PCR products in a cooler at 4 to 7 degrees Celcius to USP maybe twice or thrice a week at the beginning of the project (first year).
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